Humic and fulvic acids are both extracted from humate, a molecule found in soil. Humate aids in composting (breaking down other organic matter) and transferring nutrients from the earth to living organisms. Scientists have found that when humates are ingested, the humic acid places a coating around viruses, preventing them from adhering to the cells. The fulvic acid acts as a mineral carrier as well as a chelator to carry toxins away from your cells. Inner Vitality is a mixture of humic and fulvic acid in liquid form (4-to-1 ratio of fulvic to humic). Mixing the two types of liquid has been found to be optimal for everyday use. This product is another form of
Inner Vitality Liquid, in concentrated drops to add to water. 2-ounce dropper bottle (1-month supply).
See all humic and fulvic acid products.
Click here to download a summary of studies using fulvic and humic acids.